The weekend just passed was Mother's Day. Before we dig into a reminder that I think will move you to feeling more empowered, more connected and more at peace, I'd like to acknowledge YOU.


You may have lost your mum or have lost a child.

You may not have the relationship you want with your mum.... or your child.

You might long to be a mum.

You might be a newly single or widowed mum.

You might be a newly single or widowed dad.


This great world of ours is made up of many stories, but whatever yours holds for you this Mothers Day, I send you warmth and consideration. I hope your heart is healing or healed, full, and that it remains the home of dreams yet to be explored.


Let's dig in.


"There's no way to be a perfect mother

and a million ways to be a good one."

Jill Churchill


There's also no one way to be a perfect leader, but a million ways to be a good one. If you've been around the Developing Dreams community a while, you'll be familiar with my view that Mothers are Leaders. It's one in the same.


Your role is to inspire and motivate your children towards their best self, while working toward a common goal: think peace at home ;-) Ha ha. This is required in business too.


Your role is to see the potential in your children. A Leader's role is to see the potential in their staff.


A Leader's role is to ensure the support and safety of their people. A mum's role is too!


As you walk into this week, I encourage you to take these reminders with you because your role matters. You matter. And while parenting is not the entirety of you (I promise!), it's a part of you that encompasses much of your heart, soul, time, energy and thoughts, so let's do it justice. The best way to do this is to step into the identitiy of you as a Leader. You as the CEO of your little company :-)


These following 3 quotes are leadership quotes, but I believe they're powerfully relevant to parenting. You'll see this in my rewording of them. 


"Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others."

John Maxwell

"Mothers become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower their children."


"The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example."

John Wooden

"The most powerful parenting tool you have is your own personal example."


"Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure the results last in your absence."


"Parenting is about making your children better as a result of your presence and making sure the results last in your absence."


They're so, so true! Which resonates with you the most? Reply and let me know which and why, then lead on beautiful mumma, lead on.



Catherine xx


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