Is there a dream on your heart, but you think it’s out of reach?

Maybe life’s pulled the rug from under you, leaving you scared and tired?

Perhaps the mundane-ness of your days are causing boredom, low energy, frustration and hopelessness?


Pick up after the children.

Think of everyone else.

Run the errands.

Be yelled at … or ignored…

Feel so tired, yet unable to sleep.

Worry incessantly.

😩😩 Repeat 😩😩


Sweet friend, this doesn’t sound like days you dream of, does it? But if I tell you things can be different, would you believe me?


Those born wearing rose-coloured glassed - the eternal optimists - might be fist-pumping and hollering in excited hopefulness, shouting encouraging statements of ‘I’m a believer! It will get better!!!’


Meanwhile, the realists – or gentle souls who’ve had too much hardship they can no longer even muster a thumbs up – are not convinced. In fact, if a glimmer of hopefulness appears, they’re quick to remind themselves that wariness and protection is what’s needed. ‘I can’t handle any more of life’s surprises’, they might be thinking.


Neither approach is right nor wrong. Neither is better or worse. You’re you, and you think & feel the way you do because of nature AND nurture: partly because of your personality and partly because of life experiences and that’s ok 👌


But I’d love to tell you why there’s hope: because no-one’s taught you this NECESSARY perspective.


  1. “Who do you want to be?”


  1. “What are you dealing with?”


  1. “What choices do you need to make?”


In other words, you haven’t applied my EMPOWERED framework to your situation. Instead of getting clarity on Who, What & How, you – and the majority of the planet – are focussed on ‘things’. Things that are out of your control, like other people’s behaviour and life’s circumstances.


Or, if you’re one of the few humans who look inward for the answers, good on you ‘cause you’re on the right track. I’m curious though, are you beating yourself up when you do it, using terrible self-talk and put-downs to ‘motivate’ yourself, instead of compassion? Most women are.


How many of us are motivated by anger and criticism? The answer is ‘not many’ and for those that are, it will be short lived or detrimental to their wellbeing.


Nope, put-downs are not helpful. But compassion and curiosity are!



⬇️ Let’s get you started by taking EMPOWERED action now ⬇️


Choose an area of your life you’d like to be better: ………………………………………………………………


Imagine this WAS better, that you’d got the result you’ve been wanting. Now answer the three questions, applied to this FUTURE scenario.


  1. Who are you when you’ve got these results? List the qualities you’d exude as this person.

For example, do you set clear boundaries with family members without guilt, do you exercise four times a week, do you wait calmly through your child’s tantrums? Choose your situation and envision how that future woman differs to you in terms of thoughts, feelings and behaviours.


  1. What are you dealing with? Use facts that would be observable to others because this reduces your ‘bias’.

For example, my husband works away two weeks per fortnight, I was just made redundant, my child has been chosen for the rep team so needs to train 3 nights a week.


  1. What choices do you need to make? This is the exciting part and the piece that brings your personal empowerment together. Combine the vision of your future self (question one) with the reality of the situation or thing you want improved (question two) and CHOOSE actions, behaviours, self-talk and attitudes that align them.

For example, I’ve been made redundant and my child has been accepted into the rep team. I’m an empowered mum who always finds a way through. I could find ways to make money while my daughter is training, like ½ hour dog walking, tutoring or joining an MLM like Tupperware, Arbonne or Young Living. I can remain focussed and excited on being an example for my children AND feeling empowered because I’m in control of my life, my life isn’t controlling me!


I’m a staunch believer in this process, knowing it’s the EXACT reason I quadrupled my assets and 3x my profit during the saddest and most challenging years of my life. By asking myself daily: who do I need to be to get through this, I took control of my mind, actions and outlook, regardless of what life offered. Was it hard, did I cry a lot and at times, wonder if I had it in me to go on? Yes! But was it worth it? Hell yeah 🙏


Regardless of what life’s thrown at you, you can take steps up the invisible ladder of competency and empowerment if you remind yourself DAILY of

  1. Who you want to be
  2. Get clear on your reality
  3. Make choices that match both


They’re the essence of my 3 step framework EMPOWERED: Dream It. Own It. Live It..


You can experience it in a self-paced setting via my online membership or by coaching 1:1 with me. I can’t wait to see you inside! In the meantime, subscribe to my life coaching emails and I’ll pop into your inbox with tips, tools and strategies each week.


Chat soon,



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