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Is 'alignment' the new buzz word and do you have to be meditating on top of a mountain to feel it, 'cause for mums, that's near impossible, right?



In its basic, important-for-mums meaning, alignment is feeling calm, certain, free, non-reactive, clear, purposeful, satisfied or settled. Alignment isn't limited to the feelings I've suggested, but you get the gist. It's about you feeling like YOU. It's about knowing what you want and need and making it happen the best you can. So whether it's a buzz-word or not, alignment matters and is worthy of your focus.


"When you're in alignment with your heart, things have a way of working out"

Iyanla Vanzant


Let's say you're an introvert who loves clear and clean spaces and time alone. In the week's you're running your family to one social engagement after another, have visitors to the house and extra responsibilities like sick parents or children, you'll likely feel stressed. And stressed can equal un-alignment. 


What if you LOVE LOVE LOVE gardening, bush walks, weekly gym sessions and regular catch-ups with friends, but you've been sick or overworked the last few weeks? The limited time doing things that light you up will bring down your mood and motivation levels. Again, unalignment.


Firstly, you're going to have 'seasons' like this. Times in your life where events force you off-track and make living an aligned life harder. Harder, not impossible. 


Ask these questions:

- how do I know if I'm aligned or not?

- how do I create alignment when I'm so busy?


The greatest communicator will be how you feel. On most days, would you describe yourself as stressed, depressed, annoyed and bitter, or calm, optimistic, content and feeling good? Your emotions are showing you whether you're aligned or not. In addition, knowing what matters to you in terms of relationships and past-times gives you a more black-and-white checklist to evaluate from. For example, if as a child, you loved coming home from school to afternoon snacks and conversation and want to provide those memories for your children, but instead, you find yourself calling 'look in the pantry!' as you throw on another load of washing, grimacing at the sounds of sibling feuds while you're multi-tasking on the phone, it's easy to see the unalignment. If you know certainty and connection matter, you can make choices that prioritise these values. The more you do that, the more satisfied you'll feel and soon enough, a snowball effect will have your stress reducing and purpose increasing. (download my free values list HERE)


Next is the busy-ness of mums that effect alignment. Not just the busy-ness, but the impact of this stage on your life. Especially because life with children is unpredictable, emotional and very tiring. But if you're reading this, you want better! You're sick of excuses and are determined to be the mum you're proud of being more often than not. Great.


That means you're going to need to be crystal clear about 3 things:

- what matters

- what's your reality 

- what can you control in your day-to-day life.


"When you find alignment, the conditions will not matter"

Abraham Hicks


These are the 3 steps of my signature coaching framework, EMPOWERED. In empowered, I refer to these as Dream It. Own It. Live It. And they can be used to guide you in any and all situations, from challenges to goal setting, from finances to health, from friendships to daily routines. Once you've gotten real with yourself about your life in these 3 areas (yes, beautiful person, you need to be honest), you will make daily choices that meet the needs of your values AND your life circumstances. No that's alignment.


If this is hard to do on your own, reach out to me HERE


Otherwise, get to it wonderful mumma. You deserve to feel more peace in your days.





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