It was November 1989 as a group of peers and I walked from school sport to a friends house. She was a fan of Bon Jovi and so was my-unknown-to-me-at-the-time-but-later-to-be-husband, so Bon Jovi it was that played that afternoon. The after school adventure became a significant moment in time because it was the first day my husband...
How can this be? You’ve been awake less than an hour and the house is a mess, the children are already screaming, breakfast leftovers are hardening in bowls ... well what’s not been thrown on the floor, table and who knows where else, that you’re sure to come across sometime you least expect it. You look to the day ahead of you...
In my many years as a director in early childhood settings, I have been privileged to build meaningful and trusting relationships with hundreds, if not thousands of mothers. Several years ago, there was a particular week that stood out to me. In 5 days, four mothers – different in every way – each shared one thing in common; feelings...
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